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The subject matter is presented in the most concise, to-the-point and lucid manner. Key Features: The main features of the book are as follows: 1. Section B , Diploma and Competitive examinations.
Salient Features: The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of the text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. Lighting System and Accessories 12.
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ENGINEERIING Textbook Of Automobile Engineering Book Summary: This book on TEXTBBOOK Engineering has been written for the students preparing for B. Section BDiploma and Competitive examinations. Key Features: The main features of the book are as follows: 1. The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of the text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. Each chapter of the book is saturated with much needed text supported ENGINEEING neat and self-explanatory diagrams to make the subject self-speaking to a great extent. A large number of solved examples, properly graded, have been added in various chapters to enable the students to attempt different types of questions in the examination without any difficulty. At the end of each chapter Short Answer Questions, Highlights, Objective Type Questions. Theoretical Questions and Unsolved Examples have been added to make the book a complete unit in all respects. Engine Friction and Lubrication Systems 5. Steering and Front Axle 9. Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Automobile 12.